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Licensure Background Information

///Licensure Background Information
Licensure Background Information 2025-02-24T14:19:05-07:00

22-10A-5 governs background checks for all licensed school employees, including contracted employees (i.e., instructional support providers).

All personnel required to hold NMPED licensure must have an appropriately cleared background submitted with the NMPED ORI # NM920140Z before entering the virtual and/or in-person classroom.

THE SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND REPORT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IN LIEU OF THE REQUIRED TEACHER LICENSURE BACKGROUND REPORT FOR THE NMPED. Employers are responsible for the School Employment background fees. Licensure Applicants are only responsible for the NMPED Licensure background fees.

An applicant for initial licensure and a licensee applying to reinstate expired licensure with an expired background must be fingerprinted to obtain the applicant’s current Federal Bureau of Investigation record. Each LICENSURE background report is valid for 24 months and covers only current licenses after that time. A new background check must be completed if the background expires before the license is procured. An application must be submitted online with a LICENSURE background check to be entered into the online licensure system. Applications cannot be reviewed for issuing until the background requirement is satisfied. Staff required to hold an NMPED License must have on file a valid LICENSURE background check that the NMPED has appropriately cleared to work in the K-12 setting in any capacity. The Licensee may request a copy of their NMPED background report during the 24 months.

In-State Applicants

Beginning May 1, 2023
All applicants will need to register with IdentoGO at CLICK HERE

  • Click on “Schedule a New Appointment” for a background check.
  • ALL initial licensure applicants must use ORI# NM920140Z (reason code: Teacher Licensure)
  • Complete the registration.
  • Once registration is complete, you may take your appointment confirmation email or printout (although not required) with proof of identity to the nearest live scan fingerprint location.
  • Note: IdentoGO has a fee of $59.00 that you must pay when registering at their site

Click here for Printer friendly instructions (In-State Registration)
List of Acceptable Identification

NOTE: When registering with IdentoGO, you must select ORI# NM920140Z (reason code: Teacher Licensure), regardless of the type of license you are seeking. Failure to do so will result in a loss of your background check fee and a delay in the processing of your application. Applications will not be processed without a criminal background check done with “ORI# NM920140Z.”

Out-Of-State/Out-of-the-Country Applicants

  • Applicants should obtain a set of fingerprints from a local law enforcement agency or an IdentoGO location that offers “Print-n-GO!” retail services.  These fingerprint cards may be either traditional ink-rolled fingerprints or electronically captured and printed on fingerprint cards.
    • Applicants may be charged an additional fee to have fingerprints taken.
    • Applicants will be required to show identification at the time of fingerprint. Check with the location for their specific identification requirements.
  • Once fingerprints are captured on a fingerprint hard card, and the individual’s demographic data is filled out completely, follow these steps to pre-enroll:
    1. Go online to the IdentoGO website
    2. Select the option To Mail in your Fingerprint Card (See image HERE)
  • Note: IdentoGO has a fee of $59.00 that you must pay when registering at their site.

Click here to download Fingerprint Cards
Click here for Printer friendly instructions (Out-of-State/Out-of-the-Country Registration)

Frequently Asked Questions can be found HERE

NOTE: When registering with IdentoGO, you must select ORI# NM920140Z (reason code: Teacher Licensure), regardless of the type of license you are seeking. Failure to do so will result in a loss of your background check fee and a delay in the processing of your application. Applications will not be processed without a criminal background check done with “ORI# NM920140Z.”

Background Forms

To request a copy of your background check, please email
NOTE:  You must have a cleared background for Teacher Licensure to be eligible for a copy of your background.
NMPED Background does not accept completed backgrounds from other states or agencies.

Licensure Complaint

The NMPED Office of the General Counsel is a team of professionals that will assist in educator license complaints.

Access Complaint Form Here
Page last updated February 24, 2025