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Endorsements – How to Add to a License

///Endorsements – How to Add to a License
Endorsements – How to Add to a License 2025-02-24T14:13:45-07:00

Adding endorsement(s) to an existing license requires the following:

  • $120 (non-refundable) fee; and
  • Endorsement Application via NMPED Online Licensure Portal; and
  • Sealed official transcripts or copy of passing score of content knowledge exam (Please see requirements for endorsements and pathways below).

Note: You can apply for more than one endorsement for the fee of $120.00.

Licensure Endorsement Requirements

Definition. An endorsement is attached to a teaching license to specify the teaching field in which a teacher may teach as authorized by the PED.

Update: With the data migration, which will happen August 7, 2020, through August 9, 2020, all Early Childhood, Blind and Visually Impaired, Elementary, and Special Education teachers who were deemed HQT in core content areas will have the endorsement for that area added to their license. Moving forward Early Childhood, Blind and Visually Impaired, Elementary, and Special Education teachers will apply for core content endorsements (Math, Science, Social Studies, and ELA) when they apply for their license or later in their careers when they have met the requirements. The requirements for each license and endorsement are as follows:

Core Endorsement Requirements for Early Childhood, Blind and Visually Impaired, Elementary and Special Education Teachers (This is not to be confused with obtaining these licenses. It’s for adding endorsements such as art, PE, etc. to the license itself).

  • Elementary K-8 – to add an additional endorsement to this license, you will need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field of which 6 must be earned at the upper division (generally numbered 300 or above). Endorsements can be added to an existing license with either the test or the hours with the exception of the Bilingual and Gifted endorsement (both endorsement require credit hours and exams).   For applicants who already hold a license, we need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field of which 6 must be earned at the upper division (generally numbered 300 or above) OR pass the middle school exam for the content area.
  • Early Childhood (B-PK or PK – Grade 3)– to add an additional endorsement to this license, you will need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field. Endorsements can be added to an existing license with either the test or the hours with the exception of the Bilingual and Gifted endorsement (both endorsement require credit hours and exams).  For applicants who already hold a license, we need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field  OR pass the middle school exam for the content area.
  • Special Education Pre K-12 – to add an additional endorsement to this license, you will need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field of which 12 must be earned at the upper division (generally numbered 300 or above). Endorsements can be added to an existing license with either the test or the hours with the exception of the Bilingual and Gifted endorsement (both endorsement require credit hours and exams).  For applicants who already hold a license, we need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field of which 12 must be earned at the upper division (generally numbered 300 or above) OR pass the middle school exam for the content area.
  • Blind and Visually Impaired B-12 – to add an additional endorsement to this license, you will need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field of which 12 must be earned at the upper division (generally numbered 300 or above). Endorsements can be added to an existing license with either the test or the hours with the exception of the Bilingual and Gifted endorsement (both endorsement require credit hours and exams).  For applicants who already hold a license, we need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field of which 12 must be earned at the upper division (generally numbered 300 or above) OR pass the middle school exam for the content area.

If an educator is teaching Language Arts, Science, Math or Social Studies to general ed students in High School, then they would need to qualify to apply for the Pre K-12 Specialty Are license and complete the general content exam(s):

  1. English Language Arts: Content Knowledge 5038, or
  2. General Science: Content Knowledge 5435 (accepted through 8/31/23) OR General Science 5436 (required beginning 9/1/23), or
  3. Mathematics 5165 or
  4. Social Studies: Content Knowledge 5081

If an educator is teaching Language Arts, Science, Math or Social Studies to special ed students in High School, then they would need to complete the general content exam(s):

  1. English Language Arts: Content Knowledge 5038, or
  2. General Science: Content Knowledge 5435 (accepted through 8/31/23) OR General Science 5436 (required beginning 9/1/23), or
  3. Mathematics 5165 or
  4. Social Studies: Content Knowledge 5081

If an educator is teaching Language Arts, Science, Math or Social Studies to special ed or general ed students in grades 5 thru 9 (in a departmentalized setting), then they would need to complete the middle content exam(s)**:

  1. Middle School English Language Arts 5047, or
  2. Middle School Science 5442 or
  3. Middle School Mathematics 5164, or
  4. Middle School Social Studies 5089

**This also applies for those holding an Elementary, Early Childhood and Blind/Visually Impaired licenses

Endorsement Requirements for 5-9 Middle Level , 6-12 Secondary  and Pre K-12 Specialty Teachers (This is not to be confused with obtaining these licenses. It’s for adding endorsements such as art, PE, etc. to the license itself).

  • 5-9 Middle Level – to add an additional endorsement to this license, you will need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field of which 6 must be earned at the upper division (generally numbered 300 or above). Endorsements can be added to an existing license with either the test or the hours with the exception of the Bilingual and Gifted endorsement (both endorsement require credit hours and exams).  For applicants who already hold a license, we need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field of which 6 must be earned at the upper division (generally numbered 300 or above) OR pass the middle school exam for the content area.
  • 6-12 Secondary  – to add an additional endorsement to this license, you will need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field of which 12 must be earned at the upper division (generally numbered 300 or above). Endorsements can be added to an existing license with either the test or the hours with the exception of the Bilingual and Gifted endorsement (both endorsement require credit hours and exams).  For applicants who already hold a license, we need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field of which 12 must be earned at the upper division (generally numbered 300 or above) OR pass the exam for the content area.
  • Pre K-12 Specialty – to add an additional endorsement to this license, you will need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field of which 12 must be earned at the upper division (generally numbered 300 or above). Endorsements can be added to an existing license with either the test or the hours with the exception of the Bilingual and Gifted endorsement (both endorsement require credit hours and exams).  For applicants who already hold a license, we need a minimum of 24 semester hours of coursework in a teaching field of which 12 must be earned at the upper division (generally numbered 300 or above) OR pass the exam for the content area.

Authorization has also been given to add the two endorsements of bilingual education and TESOL to Speech-Language Pathologist licenses.

Endorsement Pathway

Click on a teaching endorsement to access the requirements and direct exam related to the endorsement. Please note: some endorsements will not have a link to an exam and therefore you will need to complete the 24 credit hours to obtain the endorsement.


Bilingual Education

Business Education

Computer Science

Elementary Math Specialist

Family and Consumer Science

Gifted Education



Information Technology Coordinator

Language Arts

Library Media


Modern and Classical Languages

Performing Arts

Physical Education





Technology Education

Visual Arts


Page last updated February 24, 2025