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Resources 2024-12-12T09:01:24-07:00


ferpa-release-form (Districts and TEDs) PDF

Data Sharing Agreement-Draft Pueblo/District


New Mexico Higher Education Department

Institute of American Indian Arts


  • Bureau of Indian Education
    Allows you to search from the home page about Title VII and Title VIII articles, initiatives, and programs.


Alaska Native Knowledge Network – University of Alaska Fairbanks

American Indian Higher Education Consortium

Arizona Department of Education – Indian Education

Center for World Indigenous Studies

First Nations Development Institute

American Indian/Indigenous Education Resources

American Indian Education Links

National Congress of American Indians

National Indian Education Association (NIEA)

Alaskan Native Perspectives on Earth and Climate

United National Indian Tribal Youth – UNITY

Center for the Education and Study of Diverse Populations – NM Highlands University

Healthy Schools – Funding a local wellness policy

Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development – JFK School of Government Harvard University

Kamahameha Schools – Hawaii

Native Wellness Institute

New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education

University of New Mexico – Native American Studies


American Indian Social Studies Curricula—Marquette University Libraries

Anthropology Outreach Office—Smithsonian Institute

Indigenous Education Institute—Sharing the Skies

National Center for Educational Statistics—IES U.S. Department of Education

Photographs from Indian Boarding Schools

American Indian Science and Engineering Society

Native American College Student Support Guide

American Indian Education Resources – Northern Arizona University

Earth Math—Navajo Nation Studies—The National Science Foundation Indian Country Diaries—PBS Native American Public Telecommunications

Institute for Tribal Government—Portland State University

Native Words Native Warriors— National Museum of the American Indian American Indian Code Talkers





The PED in collaboration with the 23 districts and 6 charter schools works to meet this statute of reporting to New Mexico (NM) tribes regarding the education of Native children statewide. This statewide report is due by November 15th of each year and is distributed at the NM Government to Government meetings. The reports include the following indicators: 1) student achievement, 2) safety, 3) graduation rate, 4) attendance, 5) parent/community involvement, 6) education programs targeting American Indian students, 7) financial reports, 8) current status of federal Indian policies and procedures, 9) public school use of variable calendars, 10) school district plans to decrease the number of dropouts and increase attendance, 11) school district consultation with district Indian Education Committees, school-site Parent Advisory Councils and Tribal, municipal, and Indian organizations, 12) Indigenous research and evaluation and results for effective curricula for tribal students.

TESR-Manual 2020_2021


Pathways of TESR Data (PDF)

2022 TESR: SY21-22 (PDF)

2021 TESR: SY20-21 (PDF)

Previous Years District & Charter TESR’s



The State-Tribal Collaboration Act Annual Report (STCA) is due July 31 of each year to the New Mexico Indian Affairs Department, and describes the State-Tribal collaboration with the Public Education Department.

STCA Policy

2023 STCA

PED- FY 2023 State Agency Overview

PED- FY 2022 State Agency Overview


IED Consultation Report 2016

IED Native Listening Project Report Conducted by UNM CEPR

Tribal Leaders Speak: The State of Indian Education, 2010 Report: USDOE’s Consultation with Tribal Leaders


NMPED Tribal Consultation Background

The New Mexico Public Education Department, along with its Indian Education Department, has worked to implement the amendments to the 1965 Education and Secondary Education Act known as the 2015 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Timely and meaningful tribal consultation with the state’s 23 federally recognized tribes and their communities has been at the core of the federal and state legislative measures created to improve education in New Mexico.

Affirmation of Tribal Consultation

The purpose of the Affirmation of Consultation document for Local Education Agencies is to establish a tribal consultation process that enhances the relationship between LEAs and the Tribes, Nations and Pueblos of New Mexico Per section 8538 of the new federal ESSA requirements. The affected local educational agencies (LEAs) must consult with Indian tribes, or those tribal organizations approved by the tribes located in the area served by the LEA, prior to submitting a plan or application for covered programs.

Under section 8538, an affected LEA is one that either: 1) has 50 percent or more of its student enrollment made up of AI/AN students; or 2) received an Indian education formula grant under Title VI of the ESEA, as amended by the ESSA, in the previous fiscal year that exceeds $40,000.



Affirmations Received


Aztec Municipal Schools_TribalConsultation

Bloomfield– Tribal Consultation April 2023

CCSD- 2023_001 (1)

Cuba- Signed Affirmation Page April23


Dream Dine-Tribal Consultation (Signed) 4-26-2023

Dulce consultation by lea

FMS- Spring 2023 Affirmation of Tribal Consultation

Gordon Bernell


GMCS- Affirmation of Tribal Consultation for Local Educational Agencies April_2023

Hozho- tribal affirmation

JMPS- tribal Consultation

LLPS– tribal consultation


PISD_Picuris Tribal Consultation 3.30.23

PVS- doc06451720230330141402

RRPS- FY24 Affirmation of Tribal Consultation



Six Directions

TMS- Tribal consultation 2023 SIGNED


Tribal Consultation Resources

Tribal Consultation guide 2022_quick reference

Tribal Consultation Guide_2022

Contact information- NM Pueblos

Contact information- Navajo Nation

Contact information- NM Apaches

ESSA FAQ Tribal Consultation (DOE)

National Indian Education Association (NIEA)

NIEA-Building Relationships

Tribal Consultation Presentation

Navajo Nation Tribal Consultation Guide 2019 

Navajo Nation Department of Diné Education (DODE)


NMPED’s recent guidance document re: Supporting Native American Education (PDF)

NMPED’s recent guidance document re: Internet Connectivity Concerns on Tribal Lands (PDF)

Page last updated December 12, 2024