Provided is information regarding New Mexico Adopted Instructional Material according to the Adoption Cycle. Our goal is to offer school districts, charters, and state supported schools easily accessible information available to view and download.
High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) Reviews website
Our High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) Reviews website contains reviews conducted by New Mexico educators for New Mexico educators. Level II and Level III educators from across New Mexico review the submitted instructional materials for alignment with state-adopted standards and other high-quality criteria. Please visit the website for review scores, appraisals, and other useful information about core instructional materials.
Adopted Multiple List–All Subjects (Revised 2.6.25)
The adopted core and supplementary instructional materials can be found by clicking the appropriate tab by subject(s) in the Adopted Multiple List–All Subjects.
2024 K-12 Science Review and Adoption Information
Below are the review results for the 2024 Science adoption. The newly adopted core and supplementary instructional materials for science can be found by clicking the appropriate tab in the Adopted Multiple List–All Subjects. The Form F scoring rubrics and the review team Appraisals of Title are posted below. The Appraisal of Title provides detailed information about each reviewed core title, including review scores and reviewers’ professional summaries of the materials, for districts to use as they consider instructional materials for their adoption. In addition, all the information for each reviewed core title is available on our HQIM Reviews website.
2024 Science Adoption Information
- 2024 Secretary’s Authorization Letter for Science Instructional Materials
- Science Core Material Ranked by Grade/Subject
- 2024 Summer Review Institute Results Report
- 2024 Science Publisher Contact Information
- 2024 Regional Review Center Contact Information
- Science Grade K
- Science Grade 1
- Science Grade 2
- Science Grade 3
- Science Grade 4
- Science Grade 5
- Earth and Space Science Grades 6-8
- Life Science Grades 6-8
- Physical Science Grades 6-8
- Integrated Science I Grades 6-8
- Integrated Science II Grades 6-8
- Integrated Science III Grades 6-8
- Physical Science Grades 9-12
- Life Science Grades 9-12
- Earth and Space Science Grades 9-12
- Biology Grades 9-12
- Physics Grades 9-12
- Chemistry Grades 9-12
- Accelerate Learning: STEMscopes New Mexico Grade K
- Accelerate Learning: STEMscopes New Mexico Grade 1
- Accelerate Learning: STEMscopes New Mexico Grade 2
- Accelerate Learning: STEMscopes New Mexico Grade 3
- Accelerate Learning: STEMscopes New Mexico Grade 4
- Accelerate Learning: STEMscopes New Mexico Grade 5
- Accelerate Learning: STEMscopes New Mexico Earth and Space Science Grades 6-8
- Accelerate Learning: STEMscopes New Mexico Life Science Grades 6-8
- Accelerate Learning: STEMscopes New Mexico Physical Science Grades 6-8
- Activate Learning: 6th Grade OpenSciEd MS
- Activate Learning: 7th Grade OpenSciEd MS
- Activate Learning: 8th Grade OpenSciEd MS
- Amplify Education: Amplify Science Grade K
- Amplify Education: Amplify Science Grade 1
- Amplify Education: Amplify Science Grade 2
- Amplify Education: Amplify Science Grade 3
- Amplify Education: Amplify Science Grade 4
- Amplify Education: Amplify Science Grade 5
- Amplify Education: Amplify Earth and Space Science Grades 6-8
- Amplify Education: Amplify Life Science Grades 6-8
- Amplify Education: Amplify Physical Science Grades 6-8
- BIOZONE Corporation: The Living Earth Grades 9-12
- BIOZONE Corporation: Physics of the Universe Grades 9-12
- Chemistry in the Earth System Grades 9-12 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: NM Science Dimensions Earth and Space Science Grades 9-12
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: NM Science Dimensions Biology Grades 9-12
- Kendall Hunt: OpenSciEd Earth and Space Bundle Grades 6-8
- Kendall Hunt: OpenSciEd Life Science Bundle Grades 6-8
- Kendall Hunt: OpenSciEd Physical Science Bundle Grades 6-8
- Kendall Hunt: BSCS Biology: Understanding for Life Grades 9-12 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- McGraw Hill: Inspire Science NM Grade K
- McGraw Hill: Inspire Science NM Grade 1
- McGraw Hill: Inspire Science NM Grade 2
- McGraw Hill: Inspire Science NM Grade 3
- McGraw Hill: Inspire Science NM Grade 4
- McGraw Hill: Inspire Science NM Grade 5
- McGraw Hill: Inspire Science NM Integrated Science Grade 7
- McGraw Hill: Inspire Science NM Integrated Science Grade 8
- McGraw Hill: Inspire Science NM Earth and Space Science Grades 6-8
- McGraw Hill: Inspire Science NM Life Science Grades 6-8
- McGraw Hill: Inspire Science NM Physical Science Grades 9-12 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- McGraw Hill: Inspire Science NM Earth Grades 9-12
- McGraw Hill: Inspire Science NM Biology Grades 9-12
- Savvas Learning: New Mexico Miller & Levine Experience Biology: The Living Earth Grades 9-12
- Savvas Learning: Experience Physics Grades 9-12
- Savvas Learning: Experience Chemistry Grades 9-12
- Twig Education: Twig Science Grade K
- Twig Education: Twig Science Grade 1
- Twig Education: Twig Science Grade 2
- Twig Education: Twig Science Grade 3
- Twig Education: Twig Science Grade 4
- Twig Education: Twig Science Grade 5
- Twig Education: Twig Earth and Space Science Grades 6-8
- Twig Education: Twig Life Science Grades 6-8
- Twig Education: Twig Physical Science Grades 6-8
2023 7-12 Career and Technical Education (CTE) and K-12 Computer Science, Health Education, and Physical Education (PE) Review and Adoption Information
Below are the review results for the 2023 CTE, Computer Science, Health Education, and PE adoption. The newly adopted core and supplementary instructional materials for these subject areas can be found by clicking the appropriate tab by subject(s) in the Adopted Multiple List–All Subjects. The Form F scoring rubrics and the review team Appraisals of Title are posted below. The Appraisal of Title provides detailed information about each reviewed core title, including review scores and reviewers’ professional summaries of the materials, for districts to use as they consider instructional materials for their adoption.
- 2023 Secretary’s Authorization Letter for CTE, Computer Science, Health Education, and PE
- CTE Core Material Ranked by Career Cluster
- Computer Science Core Material Ranked by Grade Band
- Health Education Core Material Ranked by Grade Band
- PE Core Material Ranked by Grade Band
- 2023 Summer Review Institute Results Report
- 2023 CTE, Computer Science, Health Education, and PE Publisher Contact Information
- 2023 Regional Review Center Contact Information
- Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
- Architecture and Construction
- Arts, AV Technology, and Communications
- Business Management and Administration
- Education and Training
- Finance
- Government and Public Administration
- Health Science
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology Grades 7-8
- Information Technology Grades 9-10
- Information Technology Grades 11-12
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
- Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
- Cengage: Century 21 Accounting General Journal
- Cengage: Century 21 Accounting Multicolumn Journal
- Cengage: DHO Health Science Updated
- Cengage: Entrepreneurship–Ideas in Action
- Cengage: Exploring Agriscience
- Cengage: Personal Financial Literacy
- Cengage: Principles of Business, Precision of Exams Edition
- Cengage: Those Who Can, Teach
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Automotive Technology
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Business Computer Applications
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Child Development
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Construction Technology
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Exploration of Public Service
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Human Growth and Behavior
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Introduction to Cosmetology
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Introduction to Media Arts
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Introduction to the Science of Agriculture
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Medical Office Assistant
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Medical Terminology
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Nursing-CNA
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Nutrition and Wellness
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Personal and Business Finance
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Principles of Marketing
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Principles of Technology
- CEV Multimedia: iCEV Welding
- eDynamic Holdings: Allied Health Assistant
- eDynamic Holdings: Anatomy and Physiology
- eDynamic Holdings: Biotechnician
- eDynamic Holdings: Business Communications
- eDynamic Holdings: Business Information Management
- eDynamic Holdings: Business Law
- eDynamic Holdings: Business Ownership
- eDynamic Holdings: Careers in Criminal Justice
- eDynamic Holdings: Child Development
- eDynamic Holdings: Computer Maintenance
- eDynamic Holdings: Cosmetology
- eDynamic Holdings: Cosmetology 2–Business of Skin and Nails
- eDynamic Holdings: Culinary Arts
- eDynamic Holdings: Culinary Arts 2–Baking, Pastries, and More
- eDynamic Holdings: Dental Assistant
- eDynamic Holdings: Emergency Medical Responder
- eDynamic Holdings: Fashion Design
- eDynamic Holdings: Health 1–Life Management Skills
- eDynamic Holdings: Health Science Foundations
- eDynamic Holdings: Hospitality and Tourism–Traveling the Globe
- eDynamic Holdings: Hotel Management
- eDynamic Holdings: Human Growth and Development
- eDynamic Holdings: Human Resource Management
- eDynamic Holdings: Interior Design
- eDynamic Holdings: Management
- eDynamic Holdings: Marketing Foundations
- eDynamic Holdings: Medical Assistant
- eDynamic Holdings: Medical Lab Assisting
- eDynamic Holdings: Medical Office Administration
- eDynamic Holdings: Medical Terminology
- eDynamic Holdings: Nursing Assistant
- eDynamic Holdings: Nutrition and Wellness
- eDynamic Holdings: Office Administration
- eDynamic Holdings: Personal and Family Finance
- eDynamic Holdings: Principles of Business Marketing
- eDynamic Holdings: Principles of Public Service–To Serve and Protect
- eDynamic Holdings: Sports Medicine
- eDynamic Holdings: Web Development
- Savvas Learning Company: Agriscience–Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
- Savvas Learning Company: Automotive Technology–Principles, Diagnosis, and Service
- Savvas Learning Company: Entrepreneurship–Owning Your Future
- Savvas Learning Company: Health Science Fundamentals–Exploring Career Pathways
- Savvas Learning Company: Introduction to Computers and Information Technology
- Savvas Learning Company: Introduction to Engineering
- Savvas Learning Company: Learning Microsoft Office 365–2022 Edition Level 1
- Savvas Learning Company: Learning Microsoft Office 365–2022 Edition Level 2
- Coder Kids dba Ellipsis Education: NM Computer Science Foundations (K-2)
- Coder Kids dba Ellipsis Education: NM Computer Science Fundamentals (3-5)
- Coder Kids dba Ellipsis Education: NM Computer Science Applications (6-8)
- Coder Kids dba Ellipsis Education: NM High School Computer Science
- eDynamic Holdings: 3D Modeling
- eDynamic Holdings: Advanced Networking
- eDynamic Holdings: Introduction to Networking
- eDynamic Holdings: Introduction to Programming
- eDynamic Holdings: Middle School Coding
- eDynamic Holdings: Network Security Fundamentals
- eDynamic Holdings: Programming
- Savvas Learning Company: Computer Science–A Problem Solving Approach
- Savvas Learning Company: Fundamentals of Computer Science
- Skill Struck: K-5 Launch Pad
- Skill Struck: 6-12 Voyage
2022 K-12 Social Studies and Arts Education Review and Adoption Information
Below are the review results for the 2022 Social Studies and Arts Education adoption. The newly adopted core and supplementary instructional materials for Social Studies and Arts Education can be found by clicking the appropriate tab by subject(s) in the Adopted Multiple List–All Subjects. The Form F scoring rubrics and the review team Appraisals of Title are posted below. The Appraisal of Title provides detailed information about each reviewed core title, including review scores and reviewers’ professional summaries of the materials, for districts to use as they consider instructional materials for their adoption. In addition, all the information for each reviewed core title is available on our HQIM Reviews website.
- 2022 Secretary’s Authorization Letter for Social Studies and Arts Education
- Social Studies Core Material Ranked by Grade Level
- Arts Education Core Material Ranked by Grade Level
- 2022 Summer Review Institute Results Report
- 2022 Social Studies and Arts Education Publisher Contact Information (Revised 12.14.22)
- 2022 Regional Review Center Contact Information
- Social Studies Grade K
- Social Studies Grade 1
- Social Studies Grade 2
- Social Studies Grade 3
- Social Studies Grade 4
- Social Studies Grade 5
- Social Studies Grade 6
- Social Studies Grade 7
- Social Studies Grade 8
- HS NM History
- HS US History
- HS World History
- HS Civics
- HS Economics
- HS Civics + Economics
- HS Geography
- HS US History + Geography
- HS World History + Geography
- HS Ethnic, Cultural, and Identity Studies
- Dance Grades K-5
- Dance Grades 6-8
- Dance Grades 9-12
- Media Arts Grades K-5
- Media Arts Grades 6-8
- Media Arts Grades 9-12
- Music Grades K-5
- Music Grades 6-8
- Music Composition and Theory
- Music Ensembles
- Harmonizing Instruments
- Music Technology
- Theatre Grades K-5
- Theatre Grades 6-8
- Theatre Grades 9-12
- Visual Arts Grades K-5
- Visual Arts Grades 6-8
- Visual Arts Grades 9-12
- Cengage: World Cultures and Geography Grade 6 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Cengage: US History–American Stories Grade 8
- Cengage: World History–Voyages of Exploration
- Cengage: US History–America Through the Lens
- Cengage: American Government
- Cengage: Contemporary Economics
- Educurious Partners: Project America Grade 8
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH Social Studies–Ancient Civilizations Grade 6
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH Social Studies–United States History Grade 8
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH Social Studies–Modern World History
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH Social Studies–American History
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH Social Studies–Global Geography
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH Social Studies–Civics
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH Social Studies–United States Government
- InquirED: Inquiry Journeys Grade K (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- InquirED: Inquiry Journeys Grade 1 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- InquirED: Inquiry Journeys Grade 2 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- InquirED: Inquiry Journeys Grade 3 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- InquirED: Inquiry Journeys Grade 4 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- InquirED: Inquiry Journeys Grade 5 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- McGraw Hill: IMPACT Social Studies Grade K
- McGraw Hill: IMPACT Social Studies Grade 1
- McGraw Hill: IMPACT Social Studies Grade 2
- McGraw Hill: IMPACT Social Studies Grade 3
- McGraw Hill: IMPACT Social Studies Grade 5
- McGraw Hill: World History–Voices and Perspectives, Early Ages Grade 6
- McGraw Hill: United States History–Voices and Perspectives Grade 8
- McGraw Hill: World History
- McGraw Hill: United States History
- OER Project: World History Project
- Savvas Learning: myWorld Interactive Social Studies Grade K
- Savvas Learning: myWorld Interactive Social Studies Grade 1
- Savvas Learning: myWorld Interactive Social Studies Grade 2
- Savvas Learning: myWorld Interactive Social Studies Grade 3
- Savvas Learning: myWorld Interactive Social Studies Grade 4
- Savvas Learning: myWorld Interactive Social Studies Grade 5
- Savvas Learning: myWorld Interactive World History Grade 6
- Savvas Learning: myWorld Interactive American History Grade 8
- Savvas Learning: World History Interactive
- Savvas Learning: US History Interactive
- Savvas Learning: Magruder’s American Government Interactive
- Savvas Learning: Interactive Economics
- Apollo Publishing: My Music Journal Grade K (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Apollo Publishing: My Music Journal Grade 1 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Apollo Publishing: My Music Journal Grade 2 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Apollo Publishing: My Music Journal Grade 3 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Apollo Publishing: My Music Journal Grade 4 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Apollo Publishing: My Music Journal Grade 5 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Apollo Publishing: My Music Journal Grade 6 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Apollo Publishing: My Music Journal Grade 7 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Apollo Publishing: My Music Journal Grade 8 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Davis Publications Explorations in Art Grades K-12
- Perfection Learning: Basic Drama Projects Grades 9-12
- Quaver General Music Quaver Music Grades K-8
- Silver Burdette Interactive Music Pearson Education Grades K-8
To support LEAs in ensuring supplementary materials meet the needs of their students, NMPED worked with teachers, administrators, and local stakeholders to create the Rubric for Social Studies Supplementary Instructional Materials. The purpose of this rubric is to provide guidance and look-fors for educators and administrators to use to determine the quality and alignment of supplementary instructional materials to the New Mexico Social Studies Standards, cultural and linguistic responsiveness, and instructional supports to meet the needs of all students. Please watch this short Zoom recording to get more information on how to utilize this tool to review social studies supplementary instructional materials.
2021 K-8 English Language Arts (ELA), Spanish Language Arts (SLA), English Language Development (ELD), and World Languages (WL) Review and Adoption Information
The adopted core and supplementary instructional materials for K-8 English Language Arts (ELA), Spanish Language Arts (SLA), English Language Development (ELD), and World Languages (WL) can be found by clicking the appropriate tab by subject(s) in the Adopted Multiple List–All Subjects.
- 2021 Secretary’s Authorization Letter for ELA, SLA, ELD, and WL
- ELA Core Material Ranked by Grade Level
- SLA Core Material Ranked by Grade Level
- ELD Core Material Ranked by Grade Level
- WL Core Material Ranked by Language and Grade Level
- 2021 ELA, SLA, ELD, and WL Publisher Contact Information (Revised 4.9.24)
- Amplify Education: CKLA Grade K
- Amplify Education: CKLA Grade 1
- Amplify Education: CKLA Grade 2
- Amplify Education: CKLA Grade 3
- Amplify Education: CKLA Grade 4
- Amplify Education: CKLA Grade 5
- Amplify Education: Amplify ELA Grade 6
- Amplify Education: Amplify ELA Grade 7
- Amplify Education: Amplify ELA Grade 8
- Carnegie Learning: Mirrors & Windows–Connecting with Literature Grade 6
- Carnegie Learning: Mirrors & Windows–Connecting with Literature Grade 7
- Carnegie Learning: Mirrors & Windows–Connecting with Literature Grade 8
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico Into Reading Grade K
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico Into Reading Grade 1
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico Into Reading Grade 2
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico Into Reading Grade 3
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico Into Reading Grade 4
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico Into Reading Grade 5
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico Into Reading Grade 6
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico Into Literature Grade 6
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico Into Literature Grade 7
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico Into Literature Grade 8
- John Wiley & Sons: Paths to College and Career in English Language Arts Grade 6
- John Wiley & Sons: Paths to College and Career in English Language Arts Grade 7
- John Wiley & Sons: Paths to College and Career in English Language Arts Grade 8
- LearnZillion: LearnZillion EL Education Grade K
- LearnZillion: LearnZillion EL Education Grade 1
- LearnZillion: LearnZillion EL Education Grade 2
- LearnZillion: LearnZillion EL Education Grade 3
- LearnZillion: LearnZillion EL Education Grade 4
- LearnZillion: LearnZillion EL Education Grade 5
- LearnZillion: LearnZillion EL Education Grade 6
- LearnZillion: LearnZillion EL Education Grade 7
- LearnZillion: LearnZillion EL Education Grade 8
- McGraw Hill: Wonders Grade K
- McGraw Hill: Wonders Grade 1
- McGraw Hill: Wonders Grade 2
- McGraw Hill: Wonders Grade 3
- McGraw Hill: Wonders Grade 4
- McGraw Hill: Wonders Grade 5
- McGraw Hill: Wonders Grade 6
- McGraw Hill: StudySync Grade 6
- McGraw Hill: StudySync Grade 7
- McGraw Hill: StudySync Grade 8
- Open Up Resources: OUR EL Grade K
- Open Up Resources: OUR EL Grade 1
- Open Up Resources: OUR EL Grade 2
- Open Up Resources: OUR EL Grade 3
- Open Up Resources: OUR EL Grade 4
- Open Up Resources: OUR EL Grade 5
- Open Up Resources: OUR EL Grade 6
- Open Up Resources: OUR EL Grade 7
- Open Up Resources: OUR EL Grade 8
- Savvas Learning: myView Literacy Grade K
- Savvas Learning: myView Literacy Grade 1
- Savvas Learning: myView Literacy Grade 2
- Savvas Learning: myView Literacy Grade 3
- Savvas Learning: myView Literacy Grade 4
- Savvas Learning: myView Literacy Grade 5
- Savvas Learning: myPerspectives English Language Arts New Mexico Grade 6
- Savvas Learning: myPerspectives English Language Arts New Mexico Grade 7
- Savvas Learning: myPerspectives English Language Arts New Mexico Grade 8
- The College Board: SpringBoard English Langauge Arts Grade 6
- The College Board: SpringBoard English Langauge Arts Grade 7
- The College Board: SpringBoard English Langauge Arts Grade 8
- Benchmark Education: Benchmark Adelante 2 Grade K
- Benchmark Education: Benchmark Adelante 2 Grade 1
- Benchmark Education: Benchmark Adelante 2 Grade 2
- Benchmark Education: Benchmark Adelante 2 Grade 3
- Benchmark Education: Benchmark Adelante 2 Grade 4
- Benchmark Education: Benchmark Adelante 2 Grade 5
- Benchmark Education: Benchmark Adelante 2 Grade 6
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico ¡Arriba la lectura! Grade K
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico ¡Arriba la lectura! Grade 1
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico ¡Arriba la lectura! Grade 2
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico ¡Arriba la lectura! Grade 3
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico ¡Arriba la lectura! Grade 4
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico ¡Arriba la lectura! Grade 5
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: HMH New Mexico ¡Arriba la lectura! Grade 6
- McGraw Hill: Maravillas Grade K
- McGraw Hill: Maravillas Grade 1
- McGraw Hill: Maravillas Grade 2
- McGraw Hill: Maravillas Grade 3
- McGraw Hill: Maravillas Grade 4
- McGraw Hill: Maravillas Grade 5
- Savvas Learning: miVisión Lectura Grade K
- Savvas Learning: miVisión Lectura Grade 1
- Savvas Learning: miVisión Lectura Grade 2
- Savvas Learning: miVisión Lectura Grade 3
- Savvas Learning: miVisión Lectura Grade 4
- Savvas Learning: miVisión Lectura Grade 5
- Vista Higher Learning: Connect Grade K
- Vista Higher Learning: Connect Grade 1
- Vista Higher Learning: Connect Grade 2
- Vista Higher Learning: Connect Grade 3
- Vista Higher Learning: Connect Grade 4
- Vista Higher Learning: Connect Grade 5
- Vista Higher Learning: Connect Grade 6
- Vista Higher Learning: Get Ready! Sail Grades 1-3
- Vista Higher Learning: Get Ready! Soar Grades 4-6
- Vista Higher Learning: Get Ready! Grades 6-8
- Carnegie Learning: T’es branche? Level 1A
- Carnegie Learning: T’es branche? Level 1B
- Vista Higher Learning: D’accord Level 1A
- Vista Higher Learning: D’accord Level 1B
- Carnegie Learning: Que chevere! Level 1A
- Carnegie Learning: Que chevere! Level 1B
- Edinumen USA: Mundo Real Second Edition Level 1A (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Edinumen USA: Mundo Real Second Edition Level 1B (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Savvas Learning: Auténtico Level A
- Savvas Learning: Auténtico Level B
- Vista Higher Learning: ¡Listos! Level A
- Vista Higher Learning: ¡Listos! Level B
- Vista Higher Learning: ¡Listos! Level C
- Vista Higher Learning: ¡Listos! Level D
- Vista Higher Learning: ¡Listos! Level E
- Vista Higher Learning: ¡Listos! Level F
- Vista Higher Learning: Encuentros Level 1A
- Vista Higher Learning: Encuentros Level 1B
- Vista Higher Learning: Senderos Level 1A (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Vista Higher Learning: Senderos Level 1B (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
2020 Structured Literacy Adoption Information (Revised 8.9.22)
The supplemental instructional materials list provides LEAs with information on supplemental materials for structured literacy. Unlike comprehensive core materials, which are reviewed by New Mexico educators for quality and alignment to standards, supplemental materials are not reviewed. The adopted supplemental instructional materials for Structured Literacy can be found by clicking the 2021 K-8 ELA, SLA, ELD, WL, SL tab in the Adopted Multiple List–All Subjects.
In ELA, NMPED conducts reviews of comprehensive materials submitted for core designation to identify programs that adequately address grade level standards in all strands of ELA: reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language development. Supplemental materials, which are not reviewed by NMPED, attend to one or more (but not all) of these literacy strands. In this case, supplemental materials are designed to provide support in structured literacy instruction.
Per SB398, each school district and charter school is required to provide timely, appropriate, systematic, scientific, evidence-based interventions for students displaying characteristics of dyslexia. While some comprehensive programs include structured literacy components, supplements may be required for intervention or when core materials do not adequately address structured literacy. The supplemental instructional materials on this list have not been reviewed for quality and alignment, so school districts/charter schools should conduct their own review to ensure they meet local needs. NMPED is providing LEAs the Structured Literacy Instructional Material Review Rubric that can be used to evaluate the supplemental instructional materials for components of structured literacy.
- 2020 Secretary’s Authorization Letter for Structured Literacy
- 2020 Structured Literacy Publisher Contact Information (Revised 4.9.24)
- Structured Literacy Instructional Material Review Rubric
2020 9-12 English Language Arts (ELA), Spanish Language Arts (SLA), English Language Development (ELD), and World Languages (WL) Review and Adoption Information
The adopted core and supplementary instructional materials for 9-12 English Language Arts (ELA), Spanish Language Arts (SLA), English Language Development (ELD), and World Languages (WL) can be found by clicking the appropriate tab by subject(s) in the Adopted Multiple List–All Subjects.
- 2020 Secretary’s Authorization Letter for ELA, SLA, ELD, and WL
- ELA Core Material Ranked by Grade Level (Revised 1.25.21)
- SLA Core Material Ranked by Grade Level
- ELD Core Material Ranked by Grade Level
- WL Core Material Ranked by Language and Grade Level
- 2020 ELA, SLA, ELD, and WL Publisher Contact Information (Revised 4.9.24)
- Carnegie Learning: Mirrors and Windows–Connecting with Literature Grade 9 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Carnegie Learning: Mirrors and Windows–Connecting with Literature Grade 10 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Carnegie Learning: Mirrors and Windows–Connecting with Literature Grade 11
- Carnegie Learning: Mirrors and Windows–Connecting with Literature Grade 12
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Into Literature Grade 9
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Into Literature Grade 10
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Into Literature Grade 11
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Into Literature Grade 12
- John Wiley & Sons: Paths to College and Career in English Language Arts Grade 9 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- John Wiley & Sons: Paths to College and Career in English Language Arts Grade 10 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- John Wiley & Sons: Paths to College and Career in English Language Arts Grade 11 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- John Wiley & Sons: Paths to College and Career in English Language Arts Grade 12 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- McGraw Hill: StudySync Grade 9 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- McGraw Hill: StudySync Grade 10
- McGraw Hill: StudySync Grade 11
- McGraw Hill: StudySync Grade 12
- Open Up Resources: OUR Odell Literacy Grade 9
- Open Up Resources: OUR Odell Literacy Grade 10
- Open Up Resources: OUR Odell Literacy Grade 11
- Open Up Resources: OUR Odell Literacy Grade 12
- Savvas Learning: myPerspectives English Language Arts New Mexico Grade 9
- Savvas Learning: myPerspectives English Language Arts New Mexico Grade 10
- Savvas Learning: myPerspectives English Language Arts New Mexico Grade 11
- Savvas Learning: myPerspectives English Language Arts New Mexico Grade 12
- The College Board: SpringBoard English Langauge Arts, English I, Grade 9
- The College Board: SpringBoard English Langauge Arts, English II, Grade 10
- The College Board: SpringBoard English Langauge Arts, English III, Grade 11
- The College Board: SpringBoard English Langauge Arts, English IV, Grade 12
- WHHS Education/Sinolingua: Voyages in Chinese 1 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- WHHS Education/Sinolingua: Voyages in Chinese 2 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- WHHS Education/Sinolingua: Voyages in Chinese 3 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Carnegie Learning: T’es branche? Level 1
- Carnegie Learning: T’es branche? Level 2
- Carnegie Learning: T’es branche? Level 3
- Carnegie Learning: T’es branche? Level 4
- Vista Higher Learning: D’accord 2019 Level 1
- Vista Higher Learning: D’accord 2019 Level 2
- Vista Higher Learning: D’accord 2019 Level 3
- Vista Higher Learning: Face a Face, Third Edition
- Vista Higher Learning: Mosaik 2021 Level 1 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Vista Higher Learning: Mosaik 2021 Level 2 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Vista Higher Learning: Mosaik 2021 Level 3 (Not Recommended/Not Adopted)
- Carnegie Learning: Que chevere! Level 1
- Carnegie Learning: Que chevere! Level 2
- Carnegie Learning: Que chevere! Level 3
- Carnegie Learning: Que chevere! Level 4
- Edinumen USA: Mundo Real Second Edition Level 1
- Edinumen USA: Mundo Real Second Edition Level 2
- Edinumen USA: Mundo Real Second Edition Level 3
- Edinumen USA: Mundo Real Second Edition Level 4
- Savvas Learning: Auténtico Level 1
- Savvas Learning: Auténtico Level 2
- Savvas Learning: Auténtico Level 3
- Savvas Learning: Realidades Level 4
- Vista Higher Learning: Español Santillana Level 1
- Vista Higher Learning: Español Santillana Level 2
- Vista Higher Learning: Español Santillana Level 3
- Vista Higher Learning: Español Santillana Level 4
- Vista Higher Learning: Senderos Level 1
- Vista Higher Learning: Senderos Level 2
- Vista Higher Learning: Senderos Level 3
- Vista Higher Learning: Senderos Level 4
2019 K-12 Math and CTE Review and Adoption Information
The adopted core and supplementary instructional materials for K-12 Math and CTE can be found by clicking the appropriate tab by subject(s) in the Adopted Multiple List–All Subjects.
- F.0 Math Grade K
- F.1 Math Grade 1
- F.2 Math Grade 2
- F.3 Math Grade 3
- F.4 Math Grade 4
- F.5 Math Grade 5
- F.6 Math Grade 6
- F.7 Math Grade 7
- F.8 Math Grade 8
- F.10 Accelerated Traditional Math Grade 7
- F.11 Algebra I Grade 8
- F.30 Algebra I
- F.31 Algebra II
- F.34 Geometry
- F.35 Integrated Math I
- F.36 Integrated Math II
- F.37 Integrated Math III
2019 K-12 Math Reviewer Appraisals of Adopted Core Instructional Material by Publisher
- Big Ideas Math: Modeling Real Life Common Core, Grades K-5
- Big Ideas Math: Modeling Real Life Common Core, Grades 6-8
- Big Ideas Math: Modeling Real Life Common Core, Grade 7 Accelerated
- Big Ideas Math: Common Core Curriculum, Algebra I–Geometry–Algebra II
- Big Ideas Math: Integrated Math I, II, and III
- Imagine Learning: Illustrative Mathematics Curriculum Grade K
- Imagine Learning: Illustrative Mathematics Curriculum Grade 1
- Imagine Learning: Illustrative Mathematics Curriculum Grade 2
- Imagine Learning: Illustrative Mathematics Curriculum Grade 3
- Imagine Learning: Illustrative Mathematics Curriculum Grade 4
- Imagine Learning: Illustrative Mathematics Curriculum Grade 5
- Pearson: Connected Math 3, Grades 6-8
- Pearson: Connected Math 3, Algebra I–Grade 8
- Pearson: enVision Math 2020 Common Core, Grades K-5
- Pearson: enVision Math 2.0 Common Core, Grades 6-8
- Pearson: enVision Math 2.0 Common Core, Accelerated Grade 7
- Pearson: enVisionAGA Common Core, Algebra I–Geometry–Algebra II
- Pearson: Investigations 2017 Common Core, Grades K-5